Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

Is lecture responsible to motivating students?

Some people thought that lecture have to motivate the students so that the students enthusiasm for learning in campus. But I have another opinion with this statement.

In my opinion, lecture is not responsible to motivating student. Because student in college is mature enough to take care of themselves. Students must be self-motivated. They are coming to campus to learn; no one forces them to come here. So, student have to control their self-actualization. 
‘’Self actualization is the oxygen for the soul.’’ – Brian Johnson

Self motivation, in another life everyone will grow up and being adult. And we wouldn’t be treated like a kid anymore that always directioning wherever or whenever we going to do. So, everything that we do is depend with ourself. When you’re lazy but there is something that you should do, it all depend with your self. You have to motivate yourself. I thought that self motivation is biggest motivate to ourself than the other people motivation. Because people aren’t always going to be there for you, that’s why you have to learn to handle things on your own.

Passion to learning, when student come to college, they must have within them the passion to learn. Without passion, all the matters is useless. If we wanted to do something good, we sould have passion. Like we have passion in business, we will happy to learn it so everything that we do is useful and all the matters is going in to our brain


Lecture is not responsible to motivating student because we have to independent, have self motivation, and passion to learning something. It’s better to find out what is your passion before you going to learning something.

t h a n k  y o u  f o r  r e a d  w h a t  i s  m y  o p i n i o n  a b o u t  s t u d e n t ' s  m o t i v a t i o n. d o n t f o r g e t t o c o m m e n t w h a t i s y o u r o p i n i o n a b o u t w h a t  i w r o t e.

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