Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016



When I’m in Senior High School, I used to break about 2 times per day around 15 minutes per break. And I used my break time as good as possible. Usually, at the first break I ate my food that I already bring from my home. I bring food cause if I bought the food from the canteen, it can wasting time for queue and I will hurried when the bell is ringing. While eat my food, sometimes I talking with my friends or pass the food with my friend. After eating, I go to toilet, so when study time I didn’t ask my teacher to go to toilet again, except in a urgent time. You know, like you have to dump in the toilet something that you realy have to dump.

At the second break, usually I spend my time with talking with my friends, singing together with the one who play guitar. Or sometimes I go to canteen to bought some snack or beverages. When I'm in Senior High School I join OSIS, so in some break time, sometimes I doing some work that I have to done for an event that will be held in my school, I have to go to principal's room or teacher's room to ask something or recommend something.

So, that all what I used to do when school's break time. 
I thought it just like the other student gonna do when break time, right?

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